Thursday, May 29, 2008

Forever in a Landfill

This morning I was standing in front of an NYU vending machine, contemplating what tasty drink I should purchase, when I was struck with an ethical dilemma. I usually go for the sweet bubbly deliciousness that is crystal geyser lime flavored soda water; however, after having been bombarded by the new Brita advertisements which show empty plastic bottles with the subscript "forever in a landfill" I was forced to buy the red bull; which, by the way, is the only aluminum item available in NYU vending machines. So I have to confess. I will no longer buy plastic bottles. This will really put a damper on my vodka tonics and my love of V8.... (really, does anybody truly LOVE V8???)

Don't get my started on the price of red bull. WTF???? Seriously. NO MORE PLASTIC!!!!!

1 comment:

Thecranewife said...

Buy a Sigg and drink your vodka straight. Or go for Jameson & soda (the whiskey comes in a glass bottle and you can make your own soda water easily).