Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Urban Charity Events

There is a great piece up on David Byrne's blog about the politics and ethics of New York City/urban charity events. You can link to his blog from my page, just click on 'David Byrne' in the "check em' out" section of my blog. He even drops a reference to evolutionary biologists' views on altruism.... so check it out Kyle!!!!

In other news, I am settling in up here on the upper-upper west-side. It is nice to only take one train to work in the morning. I get to commute from one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the city to another awesome neighborhood, the west-village. Not Bad; especially with the summer weather setting in. Also, this weather is certainly raising sexual tension throughout the city... yow-za! I just started reading Walt Whitman's book or poetry written in NYC Leaves of Grass, plenty of innuendo in there concerning the sexual excitement of the city. Alright... enough for now. I still have to develop the pics from my party, they will be up this weekend... I promise. Rock out ya'll.

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